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cavte ja tu mam este jeden problem: tiez som si aktivoval VIP clenstvo na mesiac, sice na inej stranke ale je za tym ta ista spolocnost a tie iste VOP. ale zadal som platbu formou inkasa. okamzite mi kativovali VIP clenstvo ale platba sa mala zrealizovat az za par dni. tak som ju cez internet banking blokol. platba sa sice nezrealizovala ale priso mi dnes na mail toto: nie su tu ziadne osobne udaje ale pri zadavani platby inkasom som osobne udaje zadaval uple vsetky :-( tak co si myslite? mam to zaplatit? lebo clenstvo bolo tusim 14 € ale teraz za mesiac uz chcu 77€

Dear sir/madam,

Our client, Webbilling AG, has instructed us to collect an outstanding invoice(s) for the amount of € 77,55.

Information about the claim:

Invoice number

Invoice date

Due date

Outstanding amount

Total claim €


Amount paid €


Total amount due €


An account has been registered on the website with your personal information. Some sevices on the website are free, but additional special services are not free.
When you want to cancell your subscription or terminate the account you should do this according to the term of use. You can find these on the website.
Cancellation at this moment does not affect this invoice, this invoice has to be paid.
If you believe your subscriprion has been cancelled, we would like to receive a copy of your cancellation and the confirmation you have received from the website.
We demand payment of the total amount due, increased by costs of collection and interest, within 5 days from the receipt of this e-mail. You can transfer the payment in EURO to our bankaccount of Nationaal Incasso Bureau:

Reakce na odpověď

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2 Napište svou odpověď:
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