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Další zbytek smlouvy:

16. Secondary employment etc.: The Employee may not undertake another job or position without the Employer's prior written consent. This provision also applies to unpaid jobs/positions. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The Employee may not invest in, or otherwise have interests in activities that are considered to be in conflict with the Employer's interests, without the Employer's prior written consent.

17. Personal data, etc.: The Employer may use personal data about the Employee to the extent necessary for the administration of employment.
The Employee is encouraged to familiarize him/herself with the Employer’s data protection Policy.

18. Collective agreement:
The company does not currently have a collective agreement.

19. Other matters: The Employee is otherwise obligated to comply with all agreements, work regulations, instructions, personnel regulations and/or internal policies, in force at any time, that the Employer asserts concerning the employment agreement.
This employment agreement supersedes any prior employment agreements between the parties.

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