Smluva na dobu určitou
Dobrý den, mám dotaz ohledně pracovní smlouvy na dobu určitou. Zájímá mě, jak je to s odchodem z práce a se zkušební dobou. Jak je tam dlouhá ta zkušební doma, když je ta práce jen na 3 měsíce a jak dlouho trvá výpověď a jestli ji můžu vůbec podat.
Předem děkuji moc za vaši pomoc.
3. Basis for agreement: Employment is temporary, in accordance with the Working Environment Act Section 14-9.
4. Place of employment: At present: Employee’s premises at Hov Gård, Tore Hjortsvei 471, 8314 Gimsøysand
The Employee must expect that duties may have to be carried out outside the workplace when the position so requires.
5. Position/type of work: Cleaner
Main job would be cleaning in Hov Camping and Låven restaurant with servicerooms, toilets and showers etc. Employer could be put to other work if needed.
The Employee is obligated to follow instructions and directives given by the Employer.
The Employer has the right, when circumstances make it necessary, to assign the Employee to alternative tasks other than those stated above.
The general manager or chef is the immediate superior.
6. Percentage of full-time position: 100 %.
7. Duration: The employment agreement comes into force on 1/6 2022 and ends without prior
notice on 30/9 2022, cf. however Items 8 and 10.
8. Probationary period: A probationary period of 6 months applies to the position, cf. the Working Environment Act Section 15-6. During the probationary period, a mutual period of notice of 14 days applies, cf. the Working Environment Act Section 15-3 no. 7.
If the Employee has been absent from work during the probationary period, the probationary period may be extended by a period corresponding to the length of absence, cf. the Working Environment Act Section 15-6 (4). The Employer must inform the Employee, in writing, of any such extension before the expiry of the probationary period.
9. Holidays, etc.: Holidays and holiday pay in accordance with the Holiday Act, which is 4 weeks and 1 day, as well as 10.2% in holiday pay. Holidays must not be taken during the high season and must be agreed in more detail with the general manager.
10. Notice period: After the end of the probationary period, there is a mutual notice period, cf. the Working Environment Act.
11. Age limit: For the position, an upper age limit of 72 years applies.
12. Remuneration, etc.: Remuneration per hour is NOK 185.
Overtime is work beyond the agreed normal working hours according to item 14, and is compensated with a supplement of 40%. The overtime hours (ie not the supplement) are calculated in the agreement on average calculation and are expressed in correspondingly fewer working hours in the second part of the agreed period for average calculation.
Rates for deductions from salary for accommodation in the company
If the employee is accommodated at work, the following rates apply for deduction from salary:
for double room: NOK 378,64 per month
for single rooms: NOK 582,16 per month.
Evening and night supplement:
There are no rules for evening, night and weekend surcharges. Working hours and overtime follow the rules of the Working Environment Act.
Payment of wages shall be made to the Employee's bank account no later than the 15th of each month.
The Employer has the right to make deductions from the Employee's wages/salary, holiday pay and additional benefits if, at the time of settlement of wages/salary, supplementary payments, advances, or reimbursement of expenses, an incorrect payment is made.
13. Pension and insurance:
As long as the employment agreement remains in force, the Employee will be enrolled in the company`s at all times applicable collective pension scheme and relevant personnel insurance scheme, provided that the terms and conditions for enrolment are met. These plans may be modified, even terminated, by the Employer, unless prohibited by mandatory law or agreement.