Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Využití počítače s legálními programy pro někoho jiného?

Za používání počítače jo, ale bez používání konkrétní aplikace. Cituji např. z licenčního ujednání programu Filter Forge (první, který mi přišel pod ruku):

3. Restrictions.
3.1. No Transfers. Under no circumstances you shall sell, rent, lease, loan, license, sublicense, publish, display, distribute, or otherwise transfer to a third party the Product, any copy or use thereof, in whole or in part, without Licensor's prior written consent, provided that if such non-waivable right is specifically granted to you under applicable law in your jurisdiction you may transfer your rights under this Agreement permanently to another person or entity, provided that a) you also transfer this Agreement, the Product, all accompanying printed materials, and all other software or hardware bundled or pre-installed with the Product, including all copies, Updates and prior versions, to such person or entity; b) retain no copies, including backups and copies stored on a Client Device; and c) the receiving party accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any other terms and conditions upon which you legally purchased a license to the Product and/or Filters. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may not transfer education, pre-release, or “not for resale” copies of the Product, as such copies are identified in the applicable purchase order or licensing terms. In no case you may permit third parties to benefit from the use or functionality of the Product via a timesharing service bureau or other arrangement, except to the extent such use is specified in the application price list, invoicing terms, purchase order or product packaging for the Product.

Nevylučuji, že jiné softy to nemají jinak, ale u komerčních bych se tomu docela divil.
Obejít by se to snad dalo tak, že bys tomu zájemci nefakturoval zapůjčení PC s programy, ale třeba přímo práci s tím programem (vyhotovení výkresu, tabulky, prezentace apod.)

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